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Blog, 2015 Blogs

From concept to production in 24 Hrs.

So here we are after few decades of iteration with software development or ALM and best practices. With every best practice, be it Waterfall, Agile, AOP, or now DevOps the aim was always to streamline and orchestrate how people, process & tools interact seamlessly to deliver business benefits i.e. better software faster.

As business grew from a brick & mortar to Virtual Internet Age we fine tuned these processes to showcase IT ROI and faster time to market with quality.

What used to be a yearly or 6 months software release cycle has been shortened to days & weeks. Customer demand has also been growing multi-fold and to keep a customer happy the speed by need demands quality software as fast as possible. 

Businesses are waking up to this on-demand pull from both internal as well as external customers. With this need to deliver quality solution it becomes important to 

