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The new release enables Technology Companies and Large Enterprises achieve Software Defined “Infrastructure + Applications + Services” Automation and Optimization in Hybrid Cloud environments with Actionable Monitoring..
RLCatalyst embeds intelligence of a “Self-Aware ElemEent” as part of adopting Software Defined Automation concepts.The Open Source model allows extensibility as a framework to build “DevOps and IT Ops Solutions” for Capacity Optimization, Software Assets Compliance, Proactive Diagnostics, IT Ops Service Delivery Automation and Actionable Intelligence in Production Systems.
RLCatalyst Open Source model will drive rapid adoption and co-creation of “DevOps and IT Ops Solutions” with community collaboration. This provides a good framework to bring disparate internal Development and Operations tools into an integrated solution.
With support for various commonly used CI/CD tools, Monitoring tools and leading Cloud Providers, it can be easily plugged into the existing environments of organizations for using it as a single console Command and Control Centre for DevOps and ITOps Management.


Blog, 2016 Blogs

Throughout the software development life cycle, your product would go through struggles until you see it deployed in production. These challenges have been there for years and this still remain in many conventional and startup companies.

The top five challenges are:

1. Prolonged Time delays as per the fixed deployment schedules

2. Dependency on operations teams for code deployment

3. Default Hardware/software configurations required per project

4. Making CI/CD work together as one piece from end to end.

5. Huge timeline from concept to production

Online businesses are feeling that the deployment processes are more likely challenging than the past. Although there are plenty of tools and technologies available, the deployment processes are still cumbersome. The cloud computing and mobile services are making huge growth in the market, and this is one of the most important reasons why the private sector companies are considering it heavy to handle the data and the deployment processes. Not more than half a decade ago, programmers were not bothered about their code being able to work on the web or mobile applications or a mix of both. So this indeed counts on top of the existing challenges one should face upon deployments.

1. Huge timeline from concept to production

Companies take ample amount of time to bring in a concept and transforming that into a reality.It takes months or even a year. If companies are following conventional deployments, then the time delay is indeed expected

2. Prolonged Time delays as per the fixed deployment schedules

Many organizations are still following the conventional approach of scheduling deployments one after another. The deployments requests created by the projects get approved within days/weeks of schedule. This is critical to the business and brings in huge delay to make the project ship ready state.

3. Dependency on operation teams for code deployment

Operation teams are highly dependent if software projects are still waiting and depending for operations guy to get deployed. If you are one among such companies, which means you are still playing black and white movies in your theater.

3. Default Hardware/software configurations required per project

If software projects required a specific set of default hardware/software configuration, mostly IT teams would work on the requests and go through the approval cycles for hardware & brief amount of delays in preparing the software configurations.

5. Making CI/CD work together as one piece from end to end.

Although some companies think they are faster in their deployment, they are not indeed. Even if their development teams take their CI/CD solution into practice, they still need huge technical expertise to run the show. This again brings in technical expertise into picture with a big dependency on technical team to take care of the deployments even if it’s called ‘automated way’.

What RLCatalyst Offers:

By Adopting Agile & DevOps, any concept can be seen as Minimal Viable Product in action in a shorter span of weeks. Yes you read it right! DevOps needlessly waits for no one if your product is ready to be deployed. DevOps does not take huge effort to adopt or execute. With the right expertise, it can be achieved to the fullest in the shorter span of time.    

Imagine if all the above issues got solutions and if they are powered and packed in a single magic chest that too developed by DevOps Ninjas? This power packed product can shed light into your deployment challenges which can make a huge impact to your businesses with its one-click deployment

The solution is RLCatalyst, Yes! RLCatalyst can fade away all the above issues.

How it works

RLCatalyst gives the flexibility to create templates for your application , which can be re-used on any instance of your choice. The templates are not tied to any provider and you can deploy the applications by launching instances on-fly or on existing instances. This can be done by using the Jenkins jobs or by using automation libraries from Chef . Once deployed , you can upgrade or promote the build from RLCatalyst . The pipeline view will give the snapshot of how builds move from one environment to another and the latest status of each of these


  • Design re-usable templates for your application
  • Jobs can be created around your existing Jenkins jobs
  • Provision to use Chef libraries to automate deployments
  • Provision to do deployments on multiple instances simultaneously
  • Visualization on how builds move from one environment to another
  • Option to promote the build to the selected version
  • Support for Nexus and Docker Repositories
  • Built-in support for all Java applications

RLCatalyst is now open source and free to use. Please see more details at RLCatalyst